Crosbie Hall, 326 West Sola Street
Santa Barbara, California 93101
(805) 965-3917
Meetings are held every Sunday evening at 7:15 pm
throughout the year
Autumn 2024
6 Responsibility, Choice and Transformation
13 Equal-Mindedness
20 Osiris, Isis and Thoth
27 The Virtue of Kshanti*
3 Cultivating Ethical Causation
10 The Path to Brotherhood
17 “What the Masters Have Said”
24 The Virtue of Shila*
1 Desire and Rebirth
8 Who Goes to Devachan?
15 Knowledge and Soul Wisdom
22 Symbolism of the Star
29 The Virtue of Virya*
*Meetings devoted to general questions.
Meetings are free and open to all, and the Lodge is supported solely by voluntary contributions in time, money and work. The Lodge offers the journal VIDYA for those seeking the path of spiritual self-regeneration in the service of humanity.